Do Unicorns Really Exist?

Once Only Read About in Literature, Now Really Exists in Nature.

Unicorn in Legend

Unicorn in Legend

We have read about them and we have seen them in movies but we are told they do not and never have existed. Perhaps what we have been told is wrong. From Greek literature we are told that this animal is a symbol of purity and grace, which could only be captured by a virgin. And if captured, the horn of a Unicorn possesses magical qualities that can purify tainted water and be used for other healing purposes. We don’t find them in Greek mythology but rather in writings of natural history because Greek scientists and historians believed that the existence of these animals was actual and real. Historians even claim that throughout the western world unicorns were widely accepted as real creatures by even the well educated.

The appearance of the unicorn has been depicted by many artists over time. Sometimes this creature appears like a majestic ivory horse with a flowing tail and mane and of course the long thin spiraling horn growing between the eyes. Other artists depict the animal as a type of white goat with a lot of facial hair and a beard together with cloven hooves. This ever elusive creature has not been photographed — or has it?



Recently, in Italy, we came across a photograph of a creature that has a single horn growing form the center of its skull. The creature may not have unique DNA however because it was born as a roe deer in captivity and has a tan pelt. Yet it is a four-legged hooved animal with a single horn. That may qualify as proof that this creature has existed in the past although an anomaly as it is like the albino alligator or bison, or co-joined twins.

Cyclops Kitty

Cyclops Kitty

This brings to light another question. In tales of fantasy and fiction we read about cyclops. Pure fantasy, right? Well there is proof that a creature can be born with one eye as this cat was. The problem was that it was also born without a nose and died a day after it was born.




While this harmless little thing looks nothing like this one-eyed monster, perhaps it tells us that the fantasy character was indeed inspired by a real life occurrence.

These unusual occurrences are interesting finds because they shed some light on the possibility of many items we find in fantasy literature as having some origins in reality then are taken and glamorized and immortalized into legends that seem to transcend science and nature as we know it.

– by J.Wade Harrell,

author of Shadows of Siernod and Flames of Palamarr

About J. Wade Harrell

A native of rural SW Oklahoma, I currently write swords and sorcery fiction which I publish in electronic format on Amazon. My interests and hobbies include shooting, riding motorcycles, fishing, watching college football, playing games, and most of all, spending as much time as possible with my better half, Kathy. I hope you enjoy my blog and that it might lead you into my fantastic worlds of swords and magic. -J. Wade Harrell
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1 Response to Do Unicorns Really Exist?

  1. URL says:

    A genuinely intriguing examine, I could not concur entirely, but you do make some really valid points. 877550

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